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Details in brief

The Attitude Change International, registered under the Registrar of Societies, Jammu and Kashmir, Government,  is a Voluntary Organization based at Darhal Malikan, Rajouri, Jammu & Kashmir (India). The organization is actively engaged in Peace and Development works since its establishment in 2008.

The main objective of the organization is to promote peace, tolerance, non- violence and a culture of mutual respect, understanding and co-existence by imparting/preaching PEACE EDUCATION.

We are also committed to raise awareness about the environment, health and human rights to ensure a just peaceful and prosperous world.

We are also known for our community service works like helping in cleft lip operations, providing wheel chairs, hearing aids and other poverty eradication programmes.

As EDUCATION is the foundation of every state, and it is the way to sustainable development, so we are helping poor and needy students to seek education by providing books, uniforms/cloths, paying school fees etc. and motivating them to attend school by various approaches.

As, we believe, it is the ATTITUDE that is root cause of most of wars/disputes/conflicts hence hatred, enmity, misunderstanding and destruction,  Human Rights violations, environmental degradation, and health hazards, so we have decided  to bring   shift (attitudinal changes) in the way people think by  various innovative approaches to address these problems and contribute, whatever little we can,  in world peace and development and prevent the future generations from scourge of war.

And, we know, without your involvement, we cannot achieve this goal. SO, you are cordially invited to join our hands to bridge the gaps for a peaceful co-existence.

Remember, we ALL belong to ONE and Only ONE HUMAN FAMILY. [And , sure, if we stick our thinking on this very fact, there will be peace in our world for ever!!]


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Attitude Change International is a Non-Profit Development Organisation registered under the Registrar of Societies, Jammu and Kashmir Govt. India
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